Protecting your livelihood in the fields with Crop and Livestock Insurance

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Throughout the country, the increasing frequency and severity of extreme weather events has taken a toll on farms and farmers. The right crop and livestock insurance coverage helps protect you from severe financial losses when nature isn’t playing nice.

Some of this insurance is subsidized and regulated by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Federal Crop Insurance Corporation and offered through private insurers. Your local Highstreet specialist can help you understand the complexities of crop and livestock insurance, as well as additional options, so you can be sure your farm is fully covered the way that you want it to be.

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Our Crop and Livestock
Insurance experts have real
homegrown knowledge.

Highstreet’s specialists have more than 450 years of combined experience helping farmers through good years — and challenging ones. Count on our expertise to help you navigate the complexities of government programs and find the right kind of coverage to protect you from unpredictable weather, volatile markets and other risks.

“I was surprised how wide of a variety of insurance this office provides. It's a perfect fit for farmers, ranchers, and even city-dwellers in the area. Also, the office staff is very friendly and go the extra mile.”


Eustis, Nebraska